Three e-commerce business models in Vietnam
These days, with the development of the industrial revolution 4.0, the internet can connect everything and greatly influence the global economy, e-commerce is becoming a global trend and has strong…
These days, with the development of the industrial revolution 4.0, the internet can connect everything and greatly influence the global economy, e-commerce is becoming a global trend and has strong…
In the globalization era, a wave of mergers and acquisitions has been taking place in Vietnam. Mergers and acquisitions, also known as M&A, are gradually becoming popular among many businesses…
Vietnam is well on its way to developing a vibrant and sophisticated mergers and acquisitions market which is capable of competing with the markets of leading jurisdictions worldwide. Justin Gisz,…
Foreign investors maintained their trust in Vietnam despite countless difficulties last year and the country is viewed as a safe destination for development, a recent forum in Hanoi heard. Hanoi…
“In order to conduct foreign direct investment activities in Vietnam, after being granted an Investment Registration Certificate or Enterprise Registration Certificate, a foreign-invested enterprise must open a direct investment capital…
“The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for a long time and until now, ithas shown no sign of settling, which seriously affects the operations of investors; especially new investors…
In the recent past, Vietnam has achieved positive results in controlling the Covid-19 epidemic. In addition, Vietnam is also successfully promoting the vaccination campaign with the goal of achieving herd…
(Chinhphu.vn) – Theo thống kê, hiện nay có khoảng trên 100 DN fintech đang hoạt động, chủ yếu trong lĩnh vực thanh toán, tài chính cá nhân… Lĩnh vực trung…
Thông tin được TS. Nguyễn Công Ái đưa ra tại Hội thảo “M&A thời đại dịch: Lớn mạnh cũng chuỗi giá trị”, do Báo Đầu tư và NovaGroup phối hợp…
“The Law on Investment 2020 has new points compared to the expired law in 2014 in investment activities of foreign investors in the form of capital contribution, share purchase, capital…